
  1. @russianbot1420 より:

    Phenomenal work by incredible craftsmen.

  2. @markkraus3598 より:

    No shortage of talented people there !! I wouldn’t want to be a judge , beautiful rides !!

  3. @SHINTAN-wm3sf より:

    The cars, the people, the music, the whole culture is amazing!

  4. @ManfredEWhite より:

    Nice video.

  5. @dannyzuehlsdorf3697 より:

    Hell yeah. Lowriders are amazing! I want one but I’m LOW on funds.

  6. @ds9886 より:

    The paint on these cars is fantastic!

  7. @michaelkither2620 より:

    Much credit to the fabricators and bodyshops that created these cars..from uk
